Friday, June 14, 2013

Ashley Brooke Designs & Rough Side Up {Giveaway}

I have been wanting to do a giveaway for quite sometime and what a better way to celebrate a giveaway then to hit 1,000,000 page views last week as well as 400 facebook fans and 1400 pinterest followers!

You all are AWESOME!! I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for your amazing support over the past year and a half. I love getting your funny emails and comments. They just make my day!

So on to this great giveaway!!....

First up are these quirky coffee mugs from Ashley Brooke Designs. If you haven't looked at her site, it is a must!! I wish I could give you all of them, but alas this lady isn't rich ya know! So one lucky winner gets to pick the mug of their choice. Which one would you choose??

Our Second Giveaway is this amazing Reclaimed Wood Hook board from Rough Side Up. This is my sister-in law's little business. You might remember the hooks I put in my closet a couple of months ago. The wood is from an old pub in downtown Raleigh. Love the colors and vintage feel of the wood. You could use these anywhere in your home!! This particular one has three antique brass hooks. The first picture is more true to color.

How do you enter? Well follow the rafflecopter below. You must answer the first question in order to be entered and the other two items are for extra entries.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck My Friends!! The winner will be announced next Tuesday! Thanks again for all your support!


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