Friday, June 28, 2013

So Long Google Reader!

I am sure that you all have been inundated with everyone telling you that google reader will be non-existent as of July 1st!! But, once again you are getting a reminder from little ole me!

I haven't been using google reader for a while now. I have found that is one of my favorite readers and I highly recommend it! You can put your blogs and/or websites into categories, save specific posts to read later and even search for blogs that might be of similar interest.

If you aren't sure how to import all of the blogs you currently read into feedly, go check out my friend Cassie's post from this past week! She explains everything in detail and is much more tech savy than I!

Another reader that I found to be helpful is BlogLovin. The only difference is that you can't pin from it directly like you can feedly. If you find that you like it better than feedly, I have a link on my sidebar and it will take you right to the site and help you from there! Very user friendly!

For all of you that aren't really into readers, you can always follow me via email. Just type your email address into the side bar and you will get an email each time I post! Simple and easy!

Okay that is it for my reminder! Now....go and do it! hehe

Thanks for hangin in there and being such a great support! I am sorry about my absence over the past month. Lots of cha cha changes happening around here. Will keep you all posted very soon!

Have a wonderful weekend my sweets!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Twin Bedrooms {Inspiration}

I have been hooked on twin beds since I came back from Europe last summer. I adore them for kid's rooms where they can have sleepovers or if kiddos in the house need to share a bedroom. But, I also really like them for a guest room. I like the symmetry they provide and I find twin bedrooms fun to design.

I have been thinking about this look for one of our guest rooms. What do you think? Yeah or Nah when it comes to twin bedrooms?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Ashley Brooke Designs & Rough Side Up {Giveaway}

I have been wanting to do a giveaway for quite sometime and what a better way to celebrate a giveaway then to hit 1,000,000 page views last week as well as 400 facebook fans and 1400 pinterest followers!

You all are AWESOME!! I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for your amazing support over the past year and a half. I love getting your funny emails and comments. They just make my day!

So on to this great giveaway!!....

First up are these quirky coffee mugs from Ashley Brooke Designs. If you haven't looked at her site, it is a must!! I wish I could give you all of them, but alas this lady isn't rich ya know! So one lucky winner gets to pick the mug of their choice. Which one would you choose??

Our Second Giveaway is this amazing Reclaimed Wood Hook board from Rough Side Up. This is my sister-in law's little business. You might remember the hooks I put in my closet a couple of months ago. The wood is from an old pub in downtown Raleigh. Love the colors and vintage feel of the wood. You could use these anywhere in your home!! This particular one has three antique brass hooks. The first picture is more true to color.

How do you enter? Well follow the rafflecopter below. You must answer the first question in order to be entered and the other two items are for extra entries.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck My Friends!! The winner will be announced next Tuesday! Thanks again for all your support!

{DIY} Paint Chip Calendar

It has been a while! I have missed all of you. Sorry for such a long absence. When life must answer. We have been very blessed to have a successful real estate business this year. We are also almost finished with our latest flip home. Can't wait to share the pictures. So all in has been a whirlwind the past few weeks.
I also owe all of you a big THANK YOU as I have hit 1,000,000 page views this past week as well as 400 facebook "likes" and 1400 pinterest fans! I truly love this blog and am so thankful to all of you that follow along. Stay tuned for a giveaway coming this evening! I am going to share with all of you a really easy and cheap DIY to get you organized for your summer activities.

A few weeks ago I bought a large frame (20x30) at walmart for $5.00! It was such a great deal that I knew I had to do something with it. Then I found this pin on pinterest. Even though I have a calendar on my phone and computer, it is always nice to see everything planned out in front of me. It helps me stay sane!

So...first I did a little fixing to the ugly frame.

It went from a blah faux wood grain to white then I bumped it up a notch and added gold trim with a gold leaf pen.

I then wrapped the backing of the frame in linen fabric I had on hand and laid out the paint chips the way I wanted them.

These paint chips also came from Walmart. They are perfect because of the holes at the top for putting the dates into. 

I hot glued the paint chips onto the linen fabric and placed the frame back on. 

I added the month, dates & activities onto the glass with  vis a vis pens. And....

I am very happy with how it turned out! Think of all the possible colors and ways you could use these particular paint chips. Now I am organized for whatever summer activities lie ahead!

Happy Friday my Friends!

P.S. Make sure you stop back this evening to kick off our great giveaway! Thanks for being such amazing readers! XOXO

Linked up: Suburbs Mama

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Power of Paint {Before & After}

Hello Hello!
I have a quick post for you all today. I wanted to stop in and show you how just a little paint can make a HUGE impact!

I was surfing my Instagram the other day and came across some pictures of furniture that my friend Mallory had posted.

She had some antique furniture in her home that was functional for her space, but didn't fit her taste or personality at all.

She had a friend from church repaint the furniture in white and gray. She also changed out the fabric on the chairs. I think it all turned out beautiful!

How gorgeous are those glass knobs on the cabinet? Not only does a little paint make a difference, but changing out fabrics and accessories can also update your furniture!

Of course I had to do a little before and after so you can see the POWER of paint!

What have you all painted lately that made a huge impact in your space? I have been working on the Hubs office and have just finished painting his desk. I can't wait for you all to see a bit of a transformation!

Thanks Mallory for letting me share your amazing dining room pieces!

Happy Tuesday my friends.

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