Monday, September 10, 2012

Fabric Scheme for a Fall Living room

Can you believe that we have our windows open in North Carolina today? It is just beautiful and I now have a little Fall Fever. How about you?

Speaking of Fall....I have started putting together some of the Fabrics I would like to use for our living room during the Fall season.

Last week I told you about my little lumbar inspiration for the sectional couch. That is what started my obsession of finding some patterns and colors that would work in our space.

I love the Mustard color that we see in wheat fields and on colorful leaves in the Fall. Some people really don't like that mus-tardy-yellow...Not me! As you all have figured out, I pretty much love every color in the rainbow if it is paired with the right accessories and Fabrics!!

So here is the plan:

1. The Yellow stripe is going to be made into a floor pillow so it will add a little punch below the sofa.

2. This Moroccan inspired Yellow Fabric that I found at Jo-Ann's will help me recover the rocking chair seat that is currently sitting in the corner of the living room. Also, if I have enough fabric leftover I would love to add a small tab to the side of my floor to ceiling white grommet curtains.

3. Not sure if I will use this pillow or not, but I made it from some napkins I found in Kiawah last year.

4. I am in love with this Ikat fabric that I also found at JoAnn Fabrics. I will make the Lumbar Pillows out of this fabric and might also use what is leftover to spread this color in the kitchen area.

I am anxious to find some time this week to finish some living room projects!

What colors inspire you and get you in that Fall mood?


  1. Hello I am looking for the yellow fabric you found at Joanns. Do you happen to know the name of the fabric or manufacturer? Did you find it in the upholstry bolts or special order? My store doesnt have it and would love to find it. THANKS!

    1. Hi Jodie! Sorry it took me so long to answer your question! I honestly am not sure what fabric it is. I know it was a home decor fabric on the bolts. My store only had it for a short time, then I had to call a friend up in NY to find it at her local store. It is the Swavelle Millcreek line at JoAnn's. Sorry I couldn't help out more!

  2. The fabric scheme for fall living room is described here. Read to know more


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