Thursday, September 17, 2015

{Twins} Neutral Nursery Reveal

I sure have promised this post for quite sometime. It has been finished for months, but have been waiting to have it photographed by my photographer (my dad) and then have more than 5 minutes to write this post to all of you!

If you have been following along for a while, then you know that this room is rather small for placing two cribs. We made it work perfectly with these low profile cribs which helped the room feel a bit more spacious than it really is. I might be just a tad bit bias, but this could be my favorite room in our home as of late. So much love went into creating this precious space.

Hope you enjoyed this sweet little tour. I promise to share all the details and sources in an upcoming post! 

To play catch up click below:
Nursery Plans
Nursery Peek and Maternity Photos
Nursery lighting for Less
A "Spotted" Nursery Closet

Friday, September 11, 2015

{Five Months} Where I've Been

I last posted on April 3rd.... two days before Easter and three days before my life changed forever.

If you have been following me on Instagram, then you know that the twins were born on April 6th. It was a day that will forever be etched in my memory. They were born at 35 weeks and were perfectly healthy at 4lbs 6oz and 4lbs 10oz. They were able to come right into our room that night. God has surely blessed our family. We are so thrilled to introduce you to Jackson Hamlin and Magnolia Joy!

Many of you have been following our journey of adoption and infertility. Thank you all for your kind words, support and love. I have been blogging for four years and feel like I have been sharing this journey with old friends. So Thank You from the bottom of my heart.

I will resume writing my blog as soon as we are on some sort of schedule over here! I would love to have time to at least share DIY's and Ideas with all of you once a week. That is my goal for now! So thank you for sticking around! Next post will be the Twin's Nursery Reveal...Finally!
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