Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Watercolor Painting {Before & After}

I heard all of you Northerners are getting slammed with cold and snow again?! I am sending lots of wishes for Spring your way today. Not too much longer...hang in there or move to NC!

Today we are talking watercolor paintings. You all know my new favorite App, but for the real deal you need to stop on over to see my friend Michelle. I found her through Etsy when I was scouting out artists to paint a picture for my parents for a Christmas gift. She mostly paints house portraits, but you can see she is amazing at wildlife portraits as well as garden paintings.

I love the detail she brings to each painting. They are so lifelike that I feel as though I am right in front of the homes!

So for Christmas I had Michelle paint my childhood lake home. Before my parents moved from NY, they had to sell our cottage which my grandparents had built when I was just three years old. It was a wonderful place filled with so many memories. Since then new owners have knocked down the original place and built their million dollar home. Nice for them, sad for us. But at least my parents now live a mile from me here in NC where we can make many more memories! It was a blessing in disguise.

I sent Michelle the following three pictures of our cottage:

I told her a few details like how there were always towels and swimsuits hanging over the upper railing, green Adirondack chairs sat near the lake where we would often have campfires at night, blackberry bushes adorned the front of the home and a table with an umbrella to the left part of the deck was where there were many family dinners and conversations.

And here is the amazing after:

Every detail was placed exactly where I remembered it! It makes me miss my cottage so much. I am so very blessed to have wonderful memories and each time I walk past this painting in my parent's kitchen, I can't help but stop and smile.

Do you have a place like this that is close to your heart?

Great News!! Michelle is giving Eat.Sleep.Decorate. reader's 10% off any print or custom painting now through April 17th! Just use Code: EATSLEEPDECORATE at checkout! 

Wouldn't these make great mother's day or father's day gifts??


  1. I love love love those!!!!!!! I need one since we're selling our "Dream Home #1"!!!

  2. I've been pining for one of her paintings for some time now...I think when our house is completely finished I'll finally cave! :)

  3. Amy you are so sweet! SUCH a beautiful place to paint. I bet you miss it! Thank you for the feature and amazing story.


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