Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Liebster Award from {Baby Mama Juice}

A few weeks ago I was given this fabulous blog award from Amy@BabyMamaJuiceLiebster, in German, means endearing, valued, lovely, etc. It is a fun award to recognize bloggers for their design ideas, DIY projects and achievements.

Since I have been given this award and passed it on to many bloggers last year, I am going to answer Amy's questions in hopes that it helps you get to know me a little better as an individual. 

I am very thankful and honored that Amy picked me as one of the bloggers who received this award. If you want to see who else she picked...go HERE. You must also go and check out her blog...she is absolutely hilarious. She talks about anything from fashion, trends, recipes and why she drinks Baby Mama Juice! 

1.  When and why did you start your blog?
I started this blog about a year and a half ago because I needed an outlet from the everyday business world. Sitting on my computer writing contracts or emailing clients doesn't get my creative juices going...so I needed somewhere I could express my creative side!

2.  Who are your girl crushes?
Hmmm...I would have to say Jennifer Aniston...I mean who wouldn't want to look like her at the age of 44!!

3.  What is your biggest pet peeve?
HAHA...If you asked my husband this question, he would probably say my whole life is a "pet peeve". I think my biggest is when you start a project but never finish it and all of the items or tools that were used for that project are sitting in the same place for months! 

4.  If you could have a second home, where would it be?
That sure is a hard question because I love the beach and the mountains just the same...but I would have to go for a mountain house. I am not one for being secluded from people, so somewhere close to a small town where I could walk in for coffee & a bagel in the morning. 

5.  What is your favorite movie?
I would have to say that Pretty Women is my all time favorite movie. Julia Roberts is just stunning and who doesn't like a little romance!

6.  Where is your favorite place to shop?
Well that is a loaded question...hehe. I would say that for clothing I love to shop at J.Crew, Banana Republic and The Loft. For furniture and accessories I would say Crate & Barrel or West Elm. BUT...if you are talking everyday it would HAVE to be Target! Where else!?

7.  If you could have lunch with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?  What would you ask them?
Man...these questions keep getting harder. I have seriously pondered this question for days. In fact, this question has kept me from finishing this post! The first person that comes to mind is my Grandmother. She wasn't famous, but she was dear to my heart and died when I was in the 5th grade. I was the only granddaughter, so I was pretty spoiled by her. There are so many times throughout my life that I have paused and wished that she was there for guidance or just to talk to. She was my cheerleader and I so wish I could sit down and talk with her about her childhood. She was a graduate from high school and even had her masters degree from college, which was very rare back in those days. I would love to talk with her about her art, fashion and talents. Everyone always tells me that I got her creativity and eye for fashion. She was always dressed to the T! I never saw her wear pants! She was a true Lady. Someday I will get to ask those questions and more!

8.  Would you rather take a vacation in the mountains or the beach?
Once again this is a hard question, I love them both...but since it is like winter weather here in NC this week, I would totally go to the beach! Anywhere warm and sunny with lots of tropical/fruity drinks!

9.  How do you come up with ideas for your blog posts?
Most of my ideas come from projects around my home and/or our flip homes. As I look through pinterest, I am often struck my a fabulous design or DIY and it inspires me to write. I also get ideas from my fabulous readers! They ask questions and I try to deliver!

10.  Do you have a daily beauty routine?  If so, what is it?
This definitely varies from day to day since I work from home most days. Sometimes I stay in my yoga pants till 2pm! (don't tell anyone). The days I do get up and get out the door I start with my Dermalogica face routine (Special Cleansing gel, Gental Cream Exfoliant, Multi-active toner and Active Moist). I then use a fantastic eye cream by Artistry called Time Defiance Lifting eye cream. Depending on my outfit and how I am feeling, I use a variety of make-up products varying from Studio Gear Concelear, Clinique eyeshadow, Maybelline eyeliner to my all time favorite mascara (Lights, Camera, Lashes by Tarte). Nothing Fabulous...but it works for me and my skin!

11.  If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
Wow...tough questions! Most women would pick something about them physically to change. While I am not 100% happy in that area that is not the most important to me. The one thing I would change about myself is to not be so anxious and fearful. I am an anxious person by nature and when change comes into my life it magnifies it...like triple! If I could just take a chill pill and enjoy the ride of life...I would be content with myself!

So how did I do? Did you learn something about me? Could you relate in some ways?
I always feel pretty Vulnerable when putting myself out there. Thanks for letting me share myself with all of you! And...thank you to Amy for the wonderful award!



  1. I am NOT kidding-you and I are SO much alike! 99% of your answers are exactly what I would of written!
    I could seriously watch Pretty Woman on mute and say EVERY line on it! Love it!

  2. Love your answers and you even included pictures! Thanks for the shout out!

  3. Thank you for sharing!


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