Friday, April 27, 2012

Front Door Color- NEED YOUR VOTES!!

Happy Friday! Do you have a lot planned this weekend? We do! I mean....does it really ever stop!?

I have a plan to get the front of my house in tip top shape this weekend! I haven't even planted anything in my pots or bought new cushions for my wicker chairs and here we are at the end of April! (I think it is because my mother-in law didn't come down to help me this spring!)

Since I am sprucing up the front porch, I was thinking of adding a little punch of color to the front door. I am a little nervous about this because I usually don't go crazy with color except in accents. But currently my front door looks like this:

Yep...Black and Boring! I don't mind it, but I think our door looks like everyone else's in the neighborhood. I guess that is why they call it a "cookie cutter" neighborhood? Well...I am determined to be the different one!

So here are a few of my choices.  I NEED YOUR HELP!! (In no particular order!)

1. Kensington Green by Benjamin Moore
Try to Imagine on my Front Door! 

2. Peacock Blue by Benjamin Moore

3. Wythe Blue by Benjamin Moore

4. Calypso Blue by Benjamin Moore

Which color is your favorite? Which one do you think will work best with the front of my home?

I am going to try and paint it on Sunday as soon as I hear from all of you!

Happy Weekend All!


  1. As much as I love the Peacock Blue, I think the Wythe Blue may be a better fit...a fun change but not too bold! It looks like it would go great with your tan house! Can't wait to see what you decide!

  2. I vote Peacock Blue too, it really stood out to me!

    1. oops, I just saw she said Wythe Blue...but I still say Peacock Blue!

  3. Love all those blues but Peacock is my favorite!

  4. I think that Wythe Blue is the best choice. It will be a nice complement to your beige siding as they're both 'clean' colours. The other door colours that you're considering are all blue-green and have 'muddier' undertones. You may find that they contrast with the yellow-green shrubs next to your front door.

    1. Thanks for the great advice Wendi! I just picked up all the paint chips today and boy do they look different as a tiny chip than an online picture! Makes me nervous!

  5. I like the Calypso Blue

  6. I am 0 help... for as much as I love color in my house, I keep my front door black. I know, I know, everyone gasped. They're all realllly pretty though!

    1. You are funny Laura! Well...I was the same way for many years. Black door...but now I want to try something different!

  7. Love the Kensington Green and think it'll look great with the rest of the house!

  8. Peacock Blue has the "punch" I think you are looking for! I like the paler colors---but they won't stand out nearly as well. The darker blue is close to the darker/black tone you currently have and, while pretty, I don't think it's enough of the change you are looking for. Blessings, Sharon

    1. Thanks so much Sharon for your input! I really love all those colors, but think I know which one I am leaning toward now! I will hopefully be able to show you next week!

  9. It's so hard to tell how each shade would look against the beige of your house...but I love the idea of painting it! have you tried the Sherwin Williams online tester thing? You upload your pic then try out diff colors. Of course I'm no help...and you may have already painted it!!!

  10. I painted my front door the same colour as the second picture - but according to the source I got the picture from, the colour is Oceanside by Sherwin Williams. Well, whatever colour it is, it's beautiful :-)

    1. I would love to see a picture of it! Send me one if you can!


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