Monday, March 17, 2014

A "Pinch" of Green {Color Inspiration}

Happy St. Patty's Day All! The Hubs and I usually go out and have a green beer or two just for fun, but this year is going to be BORING! We have appointments till late tonight for work, so we will have to celebrate a different day. (At least I painted my nails green so I won't get pinched!)

I am a huge fan of the color green and not just because it is St. Patrick's Day.  In fact, I believe it is my favorite color. I don't have a lot of green in my home, but somehow I feel connected to that color because it reminds me of the outdoors. I love how nature gives us so many shades of green to inspire us. Don't you?

I am not one to overwhelm myself with the color green, but instead add a touch or a "pinch" of green here and there throughout my spaces. I think these inspirational pictures will give you an idea how to add touches of green without going overboard.

What are your thoughts on the color green? Have you added a splash of it somewhere in your home or are you the bold one that has painted a whole wall, cabinet or room?


  1. I love green too! When we started our home restoration, we chose a sort of minty green with white trim and black doors and shutters, and we love it! We also have a few interior rooms painted green. I love all of these photos...especially the emerald green front door! That's a show stopper! :)

  2. ha! "just a 'pinch' of green" - i love it. happy st. patty's day!

  3. Love a pop of green in a room, but sadly, your post made me realize that I really don't have any in my own home! That kelly green color is my favorite though and your inspiration pics are fantastic... especially that striped ceiling.
