Friday, June 28, 2013

So Long Google Reader!

I am sure that you all have been inundated with everyone telling you that google reader will be non-existent as of July 1st!! But, once again you are getting a reminder from little ole me!

I haven't been using google reader for a while now. I have found that is one of my favorite readers and I highly recommend it! You can put your blogs and/or websites into categories, save specific posts to read later and even search for blogs that might be of similar interest.

If you aren't sure how to import all of the blogs you currently read into feedly, go check out my friend Cassie's post from this past week! She explains everything in detail and is much more tech savy than I!

Another reader that I found to be helpful is BlogLovin. The only difference is that you can't pin from it directly like you can feedly. If you find that you like it better than feedly, I have a link on my sidebar and it will take you right to the site and help you from there! Very user friendly!

For all of you that aren't really into readers, you can always follow me via email. Just type your email address into the side bar and you will get an email each time I post! Simple and easy!

Okay that is it for my reminder! Now....go and do it! hehe

Thanks for hangin in there and being such a great support! I am sorry about my absence over the past month. Lots of cha cha changes happening around here. Will keep you all posted very soon!

Have a wonderful weekend my sweets!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tips, Amy. There's so much out there and it's tough determining with resource are not only useful but the best kong their kind. I plan to check both readers out and go fro there. Have you heard anything abou Smartfeeds?
