Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Top Projects of 2011

Welcome to a New Year and a fresh start!

As I was thinking of my goals and plans for 2012, I had to stop and take a step back at all I have accomplished on this little ole blog over the past 5 months! Is that all you say...Just 5 months?? Yup...and I have loved every minute of blogging. It is my outlet and my therapy. It is a way to connect with others away from the busy business world.

So here is what I was up to in 2011:

Top 10 projects of 2011 (based on google's stats and your views)!!

And...Drum roll Please.........

Eat.Sleep.Decorate's most popular post of 2011 is.......

I guess you all love some crafty snow globes! Who knew??

Thank you for sticking with me over the past 5 months! I am so excited to see what 2012 has in store for Eat.Sleep.Decorate.!!!

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