Monday, May 5, 2014

Life Through a Different Lens

Do you ever have that kind of moment where you wish you could live in it forever? Well that feeling/moment happened to me again and again this weekend. The Hubs was gone on a work trip and I had time to sit and be. I had time for myself, to think about where life is going and who I want to become. I know this sounds like a lot of heavy stuff, but for me it was a crucial weekend. I needed that downtime and me time to see life through a different lens.

picking strawberries solo this weekend

Life gets crazy busy and we have so many responsibilities that it is hard to see all the little moments in life. The little blessings that surround us daily.

reading to my sweet those toes!

I had no plans except to watch my niece and nephew on Friday night. Those moments I cherish.

my slice of heaven Saturday morning

While I was sipping my venti caramel macchito on Saturday morning, I was thinking about my life and how truly blessed I am. Yes I have struggled with infertility over the past couple of years and now we are in the process of adoption which has been a long process and some days I feel like we will never have a little one to love and snuggle. BUT...I am blessed through all the ups and downs. I mean the downs are what make us stronger...right?

sweet little corner of the nursery

In these moments I think to myself...what am I chasing?, why do I feel the need to keep up with the Jones's? What is really the most important?

I want to become the person that others look up to, but also come to when they are in need. I want to be strong for those around me, but also let them see my weaknesses. I want to love and be loved.  I want to stop and make time to literally smell the roses. To see the simple things that I have been missing.

I know that when we finally stop...pause...breath, we can see things more clearly. We may not have all the answers to life or even know where we are going, but as we see little blessing by little blessing we will know we were made to be on this earth. To smell the roses God made, to kiss sweet little baby feet, to laugh uncontrollably with friends, to accept one another for the individuals we have become.

I seriously had the best weekend. Not because it was full of activity and fun, but because I was able to see that life is pretty darn amazing just by stopping and looking around. Looking through a different lens.

Thanks for letting me share my heart today. I know this was heavy for a Monday, but we all deal with things and are all busy. It is great to know we can stick together through the good and bad...the ups and downs!
Back to our regularly scheduled program tomorrow....

Love y'all!


  1. Amy, this was beautiful and just what I needed to hear today. Although I have lots of free time (my girls are out on their own for the most part), I feel sometimes like I am busier then ever yet not accomplishing much. I get overwhelmed with all the projects and things that I really need to take care of (sorting through millions of photos and the girls school papers-yes, still need to do that). I forget to just stop and breathe, and take it what I have already been blessed with. Just this morning, I was walking one of our dogs in the front yard and noticed a pinecone...well, we have a ton of them in our yard right now, but it was just something about this small, yet perfectly formed. I picked it up and brought it in to sit on my windowsill. I guess it will be my reminder this week to enjoy the little things.

    1. Isn't it amazing that when you take the time to look around you, there are so many things you are missing out on? I love your story about the pine cone. Just this morning I heard all this racket outside and looked out my window to see three birds bathing in a puddle. Flapping their wings and having a good ole time. I try to bask in those simple moments!

  2. I loved reading your sweet post and your thoughts on life. It's so important to step back and really look at the blessings we have and to be grateful and thankful for that.... so easy to forget that when we're often faced with feelings of wanting more. Loved that you were able to do that this weekend and glad you felt like sharing your thoughts with us!

    1. Thanks Holly! I think we are all reminded at times of wanted a simpler pace of life.

  3. thank YOU for sharing your heart with us, amy. it's so important that we make a concious effort to slow down and enjoy the things we have in our lives, but it's easier said than done! i have to constantly remind myself to be more mindful and live more "presently" and the thing is, whenever i do, i like those moments best! so glad you were able to have that this weekend - looks like you had the perfect time. love that sweet pic of you reading to lexy - you are going to make a wonderful mother. xox

    1. You are too sweet! I think of you often and am reminded of when you take your amazing photographs of the little things in life. You have such an eye for capturing the simple things that we should focus on rather than worry or create "busy".

  4. God bless you, Sweet girl!!!! XX))

  5. I just love that you went strawberry pickin' by yourself :) I'm glad you got some time to think and focus. Sounds like a great weekend to me! (And, one you won't have very often once that sweet baby arrives!)

    1. I am definitely trying to soak up all the "me" time I can get! I know life is about to change this year!

  6. Amy, best of luck during your pre-adoption time period. Enjoy the small moments and await the ones to come. I remember the longing to hold and love a baby, it is not an easy cross to bear. But keep your faith! I pray you will have your child soon!

    1. Thanks so much! I really appreciate the support and prayers!
