Monday, March 12, 2012

Who's got the...Spring FEVER??

It was very difficult to work inside today. It was about 70 degrees and the sun was shining in my office window. I felt like it was teasing me and saying nah nah nah nah naah naah! I seriously worked at Superman Speed to get through all of my work. worked! I was able to enjoy a little bit of the great outdoors and here are a few pics to get you in the "Spring" mood!

I seriously found this cute little nest under our mailbox! Poor babes probably aren't going to make it!

I was even able to start working on my Spring Mantel for a fun link up party next week. I went over to my friend Meg's house and had a blast cutting some sprigs of flowering bushes and trees!
 you have Spring Fever? Or if you still have some snow on the ground...did I at least encourage you that Spring is just around the corner??

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